Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Phase One ~ Complete!

So here I am - last day of chemo for the first stage of treatment. God is so good! I have been eating really well! No pain! Hopefully I will have gained a little weight! (Not too much! Haha!)

Well, today was a trip with my man! We left in a snow fall, arrived a little late, but not a big deal because doctors and nurses were doing the same. They told me they just are glad we arrived safely! Isn't that great that they actually care about me? So the day went well! I have gained a pound! Who-hoo! I will take that! Better than losing it! My labs were all good! They discussed the next phase, in which I won't know which chemo I will be using until I get my P.E.T. scan. After these next few days I will get a 2 week break! I am ready for it! Can you believe I am entering 2nd phase? It is going fast! Thank you for the gifts, the meals, the encouragement, most of all a big Thank you for your prayers and love! I do have the peace that passes all understanding! I am feeling victorious in Jesus! I had a fantastic birthday week with lots of love!

Please join me in prayer and in any way you might want to help a family of one of my friends from high school and junior high. Her name is Kelly and her daughter just recently lost everything in a house fire! She has 2 children and they literally have nothing but their lives! Which we praise God for their protection! Please message me if there is anything you would be willing to do to help them! I know God will bless and they will be blessed by it!

Also remember my dear sister in Christ as she too is battling her own cancer. Her name is Tara, and she is trusting God for the victory!

My memory verse this week is: Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall Renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Do you see an EAGLE soaring over those rolling waves? I do!

One more shout-out to all my Trivia Crack partners, keep playing the game with me because I really am not a sore loser and I feel I am being educated while playing the game. So if you beat me I will be up for a new challenge! Hahahahaha!


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